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A Global Leader in Fumigation

Douglas Products is a recognised leader in fumigation services for the food processing, postharvest and structural pest markets. As a basic manufacturer, the company is fully vested in the postharvest fumigation market through ongoing work with its network of distributors, fumigation service companies, state and federal regulatory officials, trade associations and end-use customers.

David Marrs

Business Development Manager - APAC

David has had vast experience in Business Management, Operation and Sales within the pest control and Fumigation Markets from both the residential and commercial perspectives.

David is based in Brisbane, Queensland. David’s role will cover our distribution network and end users across the region.

David obtained a Master of Business Administration at James Cook University and brings more than 34 years’ experience in sales, operations management as well as current market knowledge in pest control and fumigation. David held a variety of positions within Rentokil, before joining Syngenta as their Senior Sales Manager for the Australian and New Zealand Pest Control Market.

David has had vast experience in Business Management, Operation and Sales within the pest control and Fumigation Markets from both the residential and commercial perspectives. David has had direct dealings with local, national, and global pest control and fumigation sales. He has a passion in coaching and supporting teams to achieve their full potential.

Janet Rowley

International Vice President

Rowley is an active member of the Association of Structural Pest Control Regulatory Officials and the International Organisation for Biological Control.

Janet brings extensive experience to her responsibilities to develop and serve fumigation customers in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Australia. After earning a bachelor’s degree in marketing from The Ohio State University, she gained experience in all aspects of pest management with The Dow Chemical Company and later Dow AgroSciences. She is a 32-year veteran in structural fumigation and a 22-year veteran in postharvest fumigation. With Dow and Dow AgroSciences she has served in roles that include sales, marketing, communications and sales management. She is a member of the National Pest Control Association, Pest Control Operators of California, the Association of Structural Pest Control Regulatory Officials and the International Organisation for Biological Control.

Barb Nead-Nylander

Technical Expert and Research and Development Scientist

Nead-Nylander's work in fumigation includes the preplant, postharvest and structural markets.

Barb brings more than 35 years of pest management experience to Douglas Products. She worked in pest management for 12 years as an undergrad and post-grad student. She earned a bachelor’s degree in entomology from Purdue University and then a master’s and a Ph.D. in entomology, both at North Dakota State University. For The Dow Chemical Company and Dow AgroSciences, she served as a field research scientist, a technology transfer leader for insecticides, fungicides and biotechnology, and in human resources as a development manager. Her work in fumigation includes the preplant, postharvest and structural markets. Barb is a member of the Entomological Society of America and the International Organisation for Biological and Integrated Control.

®™ Trademark of Douglas Products. ©2025 Douglas Products. ProFume is a Restricted Use Pesticide. Always read and follow label directions.