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Designed to Meet Your Needs

ProFume® fumigant provides label options to meet a wide range of uses in terms of sites, pests, commodities and fumigation techniques.

A win-win pest management solution for Quality Assurance Managers in food processing and food manufacturing establishments.

Watch the video below to see how a fumigation with ProFume is the one and done solution that delivers proven efficacy and consistent results.



A dependable tool for fumigators to deliver one and done pest management solutions for their customers.

See how a fumigation with ProFume the optimal choice for professional fumigators to deliver consistent and dependable pest management solutions to eliminate pests for their customers.



Target Industries

ProFume is labeled for postharvest treatment of sites that include food handling facilities, shipping containers, fumigation chambers and storage structures.

Non-residential food handling

Manufacturing and Processing Establishments

  • Food processing establishment
  • Food manufacturing establishment
  • Mills
  • Bakeries
  • Warehouses
  • Pet food facilities


Shipping and Transportation

  • Stationary railcars
  • Stationary trucks

Commodity facilities

Commodity Facilities

  • Bunkers
  • Silos
  • Bins
  • Hoppers
  • Flat storages
  • Fumigation chambers

For a full list of agriculture commodities that can be fumigated with ProFume, refer to the application manual or product specimen label, or contact your local Douglas Products sales representative.

Target Commodities and Foods

The agricultural food commodities that may be fumigated with ProFume include:

Wheat (bran, flour, germ, milled byproducts, shorts)
Corn (maize, meal)
Rice (bran, hulls, polished)
Baled hay
Cottonseed, postharvest
Dried fruits
Tree nuts (almonds, macadamias, walnuts)
Pet food (dry)

For a full list of agriculture commodities that can be fumigated with ProFume, refer to the product label or application manual, or contact your local Douglas Products sales representative.

Target Pests

ProFume controls all life stages of insects. Due to the mode of action, there is no concern of insects developing resistance to ProFume.

Beetles: Internal feeders

Lesser grain borer
Granary weevil
Rice weevil

Beetles: External feeders

Warehouse beetle
Sawtoothed grain beetle
Red flour beetle
Confused flour beetle

Moths (Indian meal moth shown, plus other moths)

Indian meal moth


For a full list of targeted pests that can be eliminated with ProFume, refer to the product label or application manual and Fumiguide® program, or contact your local Douglas Products sales representative.

Insect photos courtesy of the Canadian Grain Commission.

Homeowner Education

Most homeowners are not familiar with what a structural fumigation involves, and online information can be confusing or misleading. To help customers understand the facts, you can use our fumigation facts page to help educate and sell more fumigations with ProFume® fumigant. Pest management professionals and fumigators report that the information and resources available on this page help speed customer education, reduce follow-up questions and help increase proper preparation for the fumigation.



®™ Trademark of Douglas Products. ©2025 Douglas Products. ProFume is a Restricted Use Pesticide. Always read and follow label directions.