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The development of ProFume has been recognised with ozone protection awards both by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and by the United Nations.

An Essential Solution

ProFume® fumigant was registered in 2004, at the request of the dried fruit and tree nut industry, to replace methyl bromide, which was being phased out globally as an ozone-depleting substance. The development of ProFume has been recognised with ozone protection awards both by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and by the United Nations. ProFume also helps maintain the viability of another fumigant, phosphine, due to insect resistance concerns.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food Safety Modernization Act requires pest prevention in food supplies. Fumigation is a proven way to eliminate infestations of pests from commodities, food storage, and transportation and processing facilities. Prevention has become the focus in postharvest pest management. Fumigation and integrated pest management practices are components in a total facility pest management plan. Fumigation with ProFume establishes a pest-free environment or, in the event of a pest outbreak, provides a rapid and proven way to reestablish control. In addition, fumigation can prevent pest problems in food processing if commodities are fumigated before they arrive.


®™ Trademark of Douglas Products. ©2025 Douglas Products. ProFume is a Restricted Use Pesticide. Always read and follow label directions.