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The Advantage of ProFume® Fumigant

ProFume® fumigant helps fumigators confidently solve a range of pest-management needs for customers. The active ingredient in ProFume, sulfuryl fluoride, is proven effective against all listed target pests. Label directions include treatment of residential properties, commercial facilities, listed food commodities, and quarantine and preshipment purposes (e.g., China, Australia,) for specific cargos.

Proven Effective

Used since 1961, sulfuryl fluoride is proven effective on all life stages of target insects and can be used with absolute confidence because the label directions are based on extensive research plus decades of real-world success.

Broad Spectrum

Sulfuryl fluoride can be used against a broad range of listed insects. Its unique mode of action makes it effective even against insect populations that have developed resistance to insecticides and/or phosphine fumigants.


Broad range of applications such as (but not limited to):

Residences and buildings

  • Historic monuments
  • Empty flour mills and empty storages for grain and grain products; food and feed production facilities
  • Fumigation chambers
  • Stacks in warehouses

Means of transport (except for airplanes) — ships and other vessels and many more

Unprecedented Fumigation Planning Options

Exclusive Precision Fumigation tools and techniques allows fumigation planning based on job-specific factors that can include target pest(s) and life stage, exposure time, temperature and gas tightness to ensure efficacy and meet customer goals.

Removes the Guesswork

The exclusive Fumiguide program allows real-time monitoring of fumigations to ensure results. This can allow reactions to weather conditions during the fumigation, such as adding additional fumigant, if necessary, to ensure efficacy or terminating the fumigation earlier than planned if efficacy has been achieved.

Proprietary Precision

The proprietary Fumiguide gives applicators the ability to calculate the precise amount of fumigant required to eliminate pests, demonstrate economic responsibility and ultimately protect the quality of the commodities that go into the food supply.

Rapid Penetration

ProFume has excellent penetration properties and rapidly distributes into all porous materials. Anywhere pests can hide, ProFume can reach. ProFume allows faster fumigations than phosphine fumigants, and it penetrates more rapidly than methyl bromide.

Flexible Fumigation Duration and Rapid Aeration

Typical fumigation exposure times are 12 to 36 hours. ProFume quickly aerates upon ventilation, and it aerates more rapidly than methyl bromide and phosphine.

Noncorrosive and Nonflammable

The active ingredient in ProFume is not flammable, combustive or explosive. Used according to label directions, ProFume has been shown to pose no risk of damage to buildings, equipment, electronic devices, furniture or artwork.

Low Reactivity

ProFume is an odourless and colourless gas. It disperses rapidly and does not react with materials to form unpleasant odours or off-flavours. ProFume does not affect the flavour, quality, colour or processing characteristics of listed commodities.

No Surface Residues

Sulfuryl fluoride is an inorganic gas that does not leave residues on inert surfaces, such as stainless steel, glass or ceramics. This means surfaces do not need to be cleaned after a fumigation.

Established Maximum Residue Levels (MRL)

A maximum residue level (MRL) has been established for both sulfuryl fluoride and fluoride for a wide range of food commodities, helping to facilitate global trade.

Commodity-related fumigation sites include mills, food processing facilities, warehouses, silos, storage containers, chambers and stationary transportation vehicles.

®™ Trademark of Douglas Products. ©2025 Douglas Products. Use Plant Protection products and Biocide products safely. Always read the label and product information before using. These materials have been created specifically for ProFume and no other fumigant. These materials may not be copied, whole or in part, or reproduced without the permission of Douglas Products. Contains Sulphuryl Fluoride, a fluorinated greenhouse gas regulated by Regulation (EU) 2024/573. The contents of a cylinder constitute 262.5 tons of CO2 equivalent. The total weight of Sulphuryl Fluoride is 56.7 kgs. The Global Warming Potential (GWP100) is 4630.