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The active ingredient in ProFume® fumigant is sulfuryl fluoride, which disrupts glycolysis to deprive pests of the necessary cellular energy needed to survive. There is no documented resistance to ProFume in the field and ProFume is not cross-resistant with other insecticides or other fumigants. Instead, sulfuryl fluoride is effective against insects that may be resistant to phosphine fumigant. Used in rotation, ProFume helps counter the development of phosphine-resistant insect populations.
A fumigation with ProFume can reduce downtime during the preparation stage because the active ingredient is noncorrosive, so sensitive equipment does not need to be removed or sealed. Fumigation exposure time is typically 12 to 36 hours, but duration can be shorter or longer depending upon the site and business goals.
®™ Trademark of Douglas Products. ©2025 Douglas Products. Use Plant Protection products and Biocide products safely. Always read the label and product information before using. These materials have been created specifically for ProFume and no other fumigant. These materials may not be copied, whole or in part, or reproduced without the permission of Douglas Products. Contains Sulphuryl Fluoride, a fluorinated greenhouse gas regulated by Regulation (EU) 2024/573. The contents of a cylinder constitute 262.5 tons of CO2 equivalent. The total weight of Sulphuryl Fluoride is 56.7 kgs. The Global Warming Potential (GWP100) is 4630.