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ProFume® fumigant is made in America in a state-of-the-art manufacturing plant owned by Douglas Products. Product quality is assured, and the cylinder fleet is tracked throughout the entire supply chain.

Leadership in Fumigation

Douglas Products actively works with fumigators, distributors, industry associations, universities, and regulatory officials to ensure a workable business environment. Safe and effective fumigation is a necessity for a working partnership.
As the manufacturer of ProFume® fumigant, Douglas Products strives to be a leader in serving and supporting customers and the fumigation industry. This includes quality from raw material sourcing through production, quality-control testing, cylinder filling, and cylinder tracking.

Unparalleled Support and Training

Working with a dedicated network of distributor partners, we provide fumigators with product availability, training, and technical support. And we work with industry, trade associations, universities, and others to advance the business of fumigation through research, technical development, label enhancements, and education. For example, we worked with international governmental agencies to gain approval of sulfuryl fluoride as a tool to reduce the introduction and spread of wood-infesting pests in debarked logs and wood-packaging materials (ISPM 15 & 28).

Ensuring safety compliance through product stewardship is a priority for Douglas Products. Our world-class stewardship standards reinforce and often exceed regulatory requirements. Professional fumigators who use ProFume must hold the necessary licensing and have personal protective equipment and approved clearance devices. In addition, they must meet Douglas Products stewardship standards, which include mandatory introductory and recurrent annual training, as well as an agreement to adhere to the stewardship policy for ProFume. Our exceptional product stewardship standards have garnered industrywide recognition.



®™ Trademark of Douglas Products. ©2025 Douglas Products. Use Plant Protection products and Biocide products safely. Always read the label and product information before using. These materials have been created specifically for ProFume and no other fumigant. These materials may not be copied, whole or in part, or reproduced without the permission of Douglas Products. Contains Sulphuryl Fluoride, a fluorinated greenhouse gas regulated by Regulation (EU) 2024/573. The contents of a cylinder constitute 262.5 tons of CO2 equivalent. The total weight of Sulphuryl Fluoride is 56.7 kgs. The Global Warming Potential (GWP100) is 4630.