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ProFume is labeled for postharvest treatment of dried fruit and tree nuts stored in:
Shipping and Transportation
Commodity Facilities
For a full list of applications, raw agricultural, and processed commodities that can be fumigated with ProFume, refer to the product label and application manual, or contact your local Douglas Products sales representative.
ProFume controls rodents and all life stages of stored product pests and has no documented cases of resistance.
Additional Target Pests
For a full list of stored product pests that can be eliminated with ProFume, refer to the product label, application manual, and Fumiguide® program, or contact your local Douglas Products sales representative.
Insect photos courtesy of the Canadian Grain Commission.
With broad-spectrum control of all life stages of stored product pests, as well as no known pest resistance, you stay a step ahead of pests with ProFume. It penetrates all the cracks and crevices where pests like to hide and multiply. So you can be confident your tree nut and dried fruit products meet your high standards for quality after fumigation.
ProFume also protects your facility and your time: It is noncorrosive, so it won’t damage electronics, lighting, or other equipment. It leaves no surface residue on hard surfaces, eliminating the need to wipe down hard surfaces. And a fumigation with ProFume can be customized to your specific needs for exposure and turnaround time, keeping your facility running smoothly and efficiently.
Pest control is not a one-size-fits-all process — every fumigation is unique. Precision Fumigation™ tools and techniques and our proprietary Fumiguide deliver a fully customized approach. You have the flexibility to customize fumigations to the demands of specific facilities, target pests, commodities, temperatures, exposure time, time of year, and storage.
ProFume is a necessary tool in an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. It has no documented cases of resistance and no cross-resistance with phosphine. The proprietary Fumiguide, with Precision Fumigation, removes the guesswork from the fumigation process by providing a record of the appropriate dosage achieved. It also helps reduce the development of future resistance through improved control of stored product pests.
With ProFume, you can effectively control current pest infestations. And by eliminating all life stages of stored product pests, you can reestablish control of your facilities and commodities.
ProFume rapidly distributes into every crack and crevice and then quickly aerates upon ventilation without the need to wipe down surfaces afterward. So you can protect your commodities and keep your facility ready for on-time and on-budget deliveries, without delays or facility shutdowns due to pest outbreaks.
ProFume is an odorless colorless gas. It disperses rapidly and does not react with materials or commodities. It will not affect the flavor, quality, color or processing characteristics of your products.
Steward your products, facilities, and equipment by protecting them against damage from phosphine or heat treatments. ProFume is nonflammable and noncorrosive to sensitive electronics, unlike other pest control alternatives. When used according to label directions, ProFume poses no risk of damage to equipment, electronics, or buildings. And because it leaves no surface residue, there’s no need to clean hard surfaces prior to reentry, reducing downtime.
ProFume has been proven effective time and again, in both university studies and in commercial facilities like yours. ProFume has protected mills, grain elevators, warehouses, food production facilities, pet food and pasta plants, vehicles, fumigation chambers and stacks, and more.
With the active ingredient of sulfuryl fluoride, ProFume is not considered an ozone-depleting substance, and it does not interact with or cause local ozone formation.
An important feature of a fumigation with ProFume is reduction of plant downtime. ProFume rapidly distributes into pest harborage areas and quickly aerates upon ventilation. So you can hit your target pests and your productivity goals.
Pest control is not a one-size-fits-all process. But with ProFume, it can fit your needs perfectly. For more information on fumigation with ProFume, contact us.
To get a customized fumigation plan, contact your pest management professional.
®™ Trademark of Douglas Products. ©2025 Douglas Products. ProFume is a federally Restricted Use Pesticide. Always read and follow label directions.