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Protect your warehouse and brand reputation with fumigation

Rodent infestations can escalate quickly. The age of a warehouse, staff turnover, inspecting incoming goods, and faulty exclusion at entry points are just a few challenges to controlling rodents. The longer the infestation is left uncontrolled, the greater the risk. Fumigation with ProFume® gas fumigant can quickly eliminate rodents and get you back to a zero state to keep your warehouse compliant with federal and state regulations.

Warehouse Facilities

ProFume is labeled to treat rodents and stored product pests in:


Logistics and shipping centers

Processed food and packaging facilities

Pet food processing facilities and warehouses

For a full list of raw agriculture and processed commodities that can be fumigated with ProFume, refer to the product label or application manual, or contact your local Douglas Products sales representative.

Target Pests

ProFume controls rodents and all life stages of stored product pests.

Rats (Rattus sp.)
Mice (Mus sp.)
Red Flour Beetle (Tribolium castaneum)
Confused Flour Beetle (Tribolium confusum)
Indian meal Moth (Plodia interpunctella)

Additional Target Pests

  • Cigarette Beetle (Lasioderma serricorne)

For a full list of stored product pests that can be eliminated with ProFume, refer to the product label, application manual, and Fumiguide® program, or contact your local Douglas Products sales representative.

Insect photos courtesy of the Canadian Grain Commission.


One rat produces hundreds of micro droplets of urine and 40 to 50 fecal droppings every day. If you’ve had daily rodent sightings for several months, it’s likely these pests have taken up residence in your warehouse. The problem is, the longer an infestation goes on, the greater the chance of adulterated product ending up at a customer’s receiving dock — possibly triggering a rejected shipment, a failed safety audit, negative publicity on social media, and the loss of your business reputation.

Get the full protection you need and effectively eliminate rodents from your warehouse with a one-and-done fumigation with ProFume. It’s an ideal solution for hard-to-reach places where rodents nest and multiply, such as inside racked pallets, between walls or sub-slab floor cracks — inaccessible areas where other treatment methods cannot get to and effectively control the problem.

Eliminates rodent infestations in days, not weeks

Controlling a rodent infestation with mass trapping can take eight to 12 weeks, or even longer. Fumigation with ProFume controls rodent infestations in a matter of days rather than weeks and mitigates the risk of FDA regulatory violations and other repercussions.

Protects your brand reputation

Rodents damage more than just the product in your warehouse. They’re a serious risk to your business reputation which can result in negative social media, rejected shipments, customer audits and regulatory shutdowns. Timely elimination of rodents with ProFume can reduce the risk, helping protect your brand and business reputation.

Eliminates an infestation economically

ProFume with Precision Fumigation tools and techniques efficiently eliminates rodents using a low dose of fumigant calibrated specifically for the target pest. A fumigation with ProFume takes fewer man hours to bring a rodent population to zero compared to any other treatment.

Reduces risks to health and safety

Rodent droppings carry diseases that threaten the health and safety of your employees and customers. And rodents cause hidden damage to wiring and other structures within a warehouse. Fumigation with ProFume helps reduce these risks to your operation.

Effective in food and non-food facilities

While food warehouses are an ideal habitat for rodents, every warehouse is at risk for a rodent infestation, including warehouses that don’t store food products. Rodents are attracted to cardboard and other paper products for nesting and chewing. And employee lockers and lunchrooms often invite rodent activity.

Eliminates infestations quickly

Fumigation using ProFume® gas fumigant eliminates rodent infestations in a matter of 24 to 48 hours, not months. Plus, fumigations can be done during scheduled downtime, such as over a weekend, so there’s little or no interruption to your normal business flow.

No impact on products

ProFume is an odorless, colorless gas. It disperses rapidly and does not react with materials or commodities. It will not affect the flavor, quality, color or processing characteristics of products in your warehouse.

No damage to your facility

ProFume is nonflammable and noncorrosive to sensitive electronics, unlike other pest control alternatives. ProFume poses no risk of damage to equipment, electronics or buildings. And because it leaves no surface residue, so there’s no need to clean hard surfaces prior to reentry.

Looking for a better solution?

Pest control is not a one-size-fits-all process. But with ProFume, it can fit your needs perfectly. For more information on fumigation with ProFume, contact us.
To get a customized fumigation plan, contact your pest management professional.


®™ Trademark of Douglas Products. ©2025 Douglas Products. ProFume is a federally Restricted Use Pesticide. Always read and follow label directions.