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Facility downtime is also reduced as fumigation exposure time is typically just 16 to 24 hours.
ProFume arrives at the fumigation site in cylinders each containing 125-pounds of fumigant as a liquid under pressure. The fumigation site is sealed and secured to prevent entry. The calculated amount of fumigant is released from outside the structure through one or more introduction hoses and immediately converts to a gas due to its high vapor pressure and low boiling point. Fans help circulate the fumigant until it reaches equilibrium. The fumigant concentration level is maintained for sufficient time to ensure efficacy against the targeted pests. When the fumigation period is complete, the fumigated area is opened for ventilation and aeration. The gas rapidly dissipates and air is sampled within the fumigated space to ensure it is safe for reoccupancy.
A fumigation with ProFume can reduce downtime during the preparation stage because it is noncorrosive and sensitive equipment does not need to be removed or sealed to exclude it from the fumigated space. Facility downtime is also reduced, as fumigation exposure time is typically just 16 to 24 hours. An even shorter exposure time is possible if a higher dosage is used as calculated with proprietary Precision Fumigation™ tools and techniques.
®™ Trademark of Douglas Products. ©2025 Douglas Products. ProFume is a federally Restricted Use Pesticide. Always read and follow label directions.