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The development of ProFume® fumigant has been recognised with ozone protection awards by the United Nations and from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

An Essential Solution

While efficacy is essential for a fumigant, a truly sustainable fumigant also must be flexible to meet the needs of fumigators, their customers and regulatory agencies plus environmental considerations. ProFume® fumigant meets these varied demands, and Douglas Products is committed to ongoing investment to maintain and expand fumigation as a necessary pest management tool.

Protecting Structures and The Ozone

The development of ProFume has been recognised with ozone protection awards by the United Nations and from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ProFume also helps maintain the viability of another fumigant, phosphine, due to insect resistance concerns.

The active ingredient in ProFume has been registered since 1961 to protect residential and non-food structures and was registered in 2004 as a replacement for methyl bromide for commodity fumigations. This registration was initiated at the request of the dried fruit and tree nut industry as a needed replacement for methyl bromide, an ozone-depleting substance, which was being phased out globally under a United Nations treaty.

Part of a Smart Strategy for Food Protection

Regulations to protect foods have shifted from pest management to prevention. Fumigation is a proven way to eliminate infestations of pests from commodities, food storage, and transportation and processing facilities. Fumigation and integrated pest management practices are vital components in a total facility pest management plan.

Fumigation with ProFume can ensure pests are eliminated from incoming commodities, establish a pest-free environment in storage facilities and eliminate pests in harborages of food processing and storage structures. In the event of a pest outbreak, fumigation provides a rapid, proven and efficient way to re-establish control.



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